Past Galleries

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The setting sun behind Healy Hall illuminates the silhouette of Archbishop John Carroll, founder of Georgetown University. This is the first in a week-long series of images of Georgetown University.

ISO 200
1/330 sec
49 mm


Unknown February 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM  

Superb :)

Wow, I didn't realize you live in Burke. I love the area near George Mason.

Why "A Message From Earth"?

In 1979, Voyager I launched to the outer limits of the solar system and beyond. It carried onboard a gold plated disk for the reference of any intelligent life that found it to learn about earth. The disk contained images of the human figure, greetings in 55 languages, 115 sounds from nature, 90 minutes of music from a variety of cultures and eras, along with a greeting from the President of the United States and Secretary General of the United Nations. These are the only relics of human civilization outside the solar system.

Like Voyager, this record here beams elements of this life into the digital ether. Who will find it? What meaning will it have to them? I hope if the one who finds it is you, this record will have meaning to you of some sort.